Posts by Jenn Bethune
What My Heart Needed To Hear
People might give us the seeds to help us heal, but it’s definitely an inside job.
Read MoreThe Love She Deserved
As it turns out all I needed was someone to love me when I was hard to love.
Read MoreHow I Let Trolls Change My Life
Realizing that a triggered troll is genuine glimmer after all.
Read MoreChange Your Life In 17 Seconds…
Will your next seconds be negative, or positive? You get to choose.
Read MoreI Couldn’t Do It Today
Making the best choices for our family, even when it’s hard.
Read MoreMy Stomach Sank…
Accepting the situation for what it is, and using our energy to grow forward through our emotions.
Read MoreChristmas Isn’t Christmas Anymore
As native Floridians, coping with missing Christmas in Florida for the first time hasn’t been easy.
Read MoreI Triggered Him Again
Sitting in the knowing that when I put myself first, I really am putting my family first.
Read MoreFive Years Ago This Month
This beautifully hard home has given us more than we could’ve ever imagined.
Read MoreFlying Solo
What Kyle’s return to the bus means for our family.
Read MoreLessons in Leaving
Where are are now after 18 years of growing through life together.
Read MoreReflections in the Mirror
Loosening the ties that bind my self worth to what other’s think of my appearance.
Read MoreSupposed to be…
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for real life.
Read MoreI sit here…
Reminiscing on our action packed summer and looking ahead to winter on our land
Read MoreMeant for More
My life has been anything but a paved path, but I am grateful for the person I’ve become. PS…exciting announcement inside!
Read MoreOverwhelm is Looming
The ups and downs of life are inevitable…and they’ve been both literal and figurative lately!
Read MoreLeaving…
I will sure miss this land over the winter.
Read MoreStay Grounded no matter what season you’re in ?
Life is about the journey, not the destination. Slow down and enjoy the moment. Grow your roots. Then, you’ll discover what it means to have true contentment and peace in your life, despite all the storms you face.
Read MoreCookin’ with Kyle Livestream Link
Happy Tuesday!!! This week is the FIRST week that cookin’ with Kyle heads over to being LIVE for ONLY the bethoonies. It will get posted to Youtube after the live ends, but that means only bethoonies can comment live and join the livestream. Tonight, Kyle is making his world famous GREEN CHICKEN CHILI (with a…
Read MoreCooking with Kyle Taco Tuesday
I don’t you about yuns, (Eastern Tennessee for Y’all)(Y’all southern for “you all”) but tacos is its own food group. I dont mean this in the cutesy Facebook Meme way, but tacos are a cultural staple for our friends south of the border. Tacos also play a pivital role in my life. There are very…
Read MoreVideo Link!
Happy Sunday!! Here is the Video Link for tomorrow’s video! I am trying out some new editing, so let me know what you think!! I am also trying out new thumbnails with less words on them.
Read MoreWe haven’t been here & we are sorry!
Our time in the van didn’t go as we had planned, that’s for sure. We had to take a mental health break and we are so grateful we did. However, during the process of us taking care of our mental health, we neglected our BETHOONIES. We want to start fresh, so I refunded everyone’s monthly…
Read MoreBoondocking or Bustdocking?
We LOVE to boondock. In fact we love it so much that we have 2 off grid boondocking machines! The minute we decided to live a nomadic life, I knew that I wanted to spend as much of that time as I can off grid, in the wood, by a river, on a mountain. There…
Read MoreEarly Video Release!
Here is Sunday’s video!!! (I know, I can’t believe I got it out this soon either!!) I will make sure to answer all of your comments before it goes live ❤️
Read MoreFinally got on the Insta-Cooker Bandwagon!
Okay a lot of you have been telling me for a long time to get an “Insta-Pot”. I resisted this for a LONGGGGG Time! Spending several months living in a van that wasn’t outfitted for any type of cooking has proved to be challenging. I ended up getting a small portable Colman griddle/BBQ. I LOVE…
Read MoreTheodore wears many hats.
Theodore is probably the smartest dog I have ever encountered. He just “gets it” is the best way I can decribe him. He has been Jenn’s Service dog for PTSD for pretty much all of his life. He loves his job, hes amazing at it. One of the things that I feel makes him special…
Read MoreGravel Lot Oceanview-Whidbey Island, WA
This one is as fresh on my brain as it gets. We actaully just stayed here last night, and it was UHHHmazing. Whibey Island is in the Pugent Sound, North of Seattle Washington. The island is mostly rugged terrain surrounded by beaches and farmland. We rode the ferry over from Port Townsend on Tuesday. We…
The Wednesday video (today it’s a Thursday video ?) is up for BETHOONIES! I’ll schedule it around 5:30pm est for the Public. I’ll make sure to answer your comments before it gets released to everyone ♥️ Is VANLIFE everything its CRACKED UP to be? || Travel DELAYS and DEAD BATTERIES!
Read MoreAllens Bar Campground- Forks,WA
Visiting the Olympic Peninsula has been on our list of places to visit since day one. Much to our surprise there is very few options as far as boondocking in the OP. As you might expect it is a very popular area to explore in the 10 days of sunshine that the PNW gets every…
Read MoreEarly Wednesday Video Release!
Check out the video before ANYONE else! I’ll make sure to get your comments responded to before the video releases to the public ♥️
Read MoreShort form tour video!
Hey all! Here is the short form tour video. It’ll be released to the public tomorrow at 9amPST and I wanted to make sure you saw it first!!
Read MoreHey you GUUUUUYS!
Well, we are on the road! It’s sad, but exhilarating to be traveling separately. We are definitely missing each other though. I have never been camping by myself, let alone in a van, with 2 of the kids, and 4 dogs ?Even though it’s a little scary, I am so excited to accomplish this. Being…
Read MoreAre you ready for this?!?
Here’s the van (99.9999% done)! We can’t believe that we accomplished it all in 5&1/2 weeks!! BETHOONIES are the only ones seeing the van until we release the build & tour videos, so shhhhhhh! Keep it for your eyes only ? (swipe ⬅️ to see the gallery) Sooo?!? What do you think?! Did the colors…
Read MoreIncoming VIDEOGRAM for the BETHOONIES!!
It’s a VAN UPDATE! Nobody has seen this far into the build yet. I’ll have another video out for you guys later!
Read MoreWe got Eli’s bunk in!
Before I posted anywhere else, I wanted to make sure you saw it here first!! The cubbies are on and now Eli’s bunk is too! It’s going to be a tight fit, but this van is going to take us on some unforgettable adventures! Annnnnnnd! We even got a wall up ?
Read MoreOne of the cabinets are going on today ?
Yes, it may look like fruit salad right now, but when this van comes together, it’ll all make sense ? Fingers crossed we can get Eli’s bunk in today and start closing up some walls!! If this van was yours, what would your color palette have been? LMK!
Read MoreThe seatbelts are in ?
I had to put the pillows together because the kiddos can RIDE IN THE VAN again! It’s been about 2 weeks since the kids have been able to ride in the van (we took their seat out to do the floor) and they are EXCITED!! I know, all these colors going on look a little…
Read MoreLook who is joining us on the van build today!
Molly wanted Chico to help with the building today too! She has her own stroller for him that she pushes him around in daily. He loves to come outside and relax with the cool breeze caressing his sweet face ? Molly also left her phone in the stroller with an animal show, just in case…
Be the first to see the up to date progress we have done on the van!
Read MoreEarly Video Release!
This one doesn’t come out until 6:30pm esT tomorrow, so I’ll leave it unlisted until about 6:00pm ?? Wed 6 15
Read MoreKyle is cooking up some Green Chicken Chili for dinner!
What are YOU having for dinner tonight?!
Read MoreRain rain go away!
There hasn’t been much action around here today. It’s been pouring all day long! We didn’t know we would be getting a “Waterfront Site” today ? We need some cheering up, what’s your favorite joke?! A good laugh is much needed!
Read MoreBoy oh boy! We are pooped!
It’s been a long day working on the van. We got a TON done today though! We even got the couch constructed! What do you think?? There will be a BUNCH of new stuff to see on the Livestream tomorrow! It’s going to be completely different than last week. What did YOU do today?! Let…
Read MoreThe interior design has been BOUGHT ?
I’ve designed a lot of things in the course of my life and with every new design project, I go by the feels. While I’m shopping, I take note of what sparks joy in me when I see it. I never really know what I’m going to end up with, because it’s in the moment…
Read MoreIncoming Videogram! Real time look at the van!
Kevin is longingly waiting for Kyle to get back!
Kevin is Kyle’s BFF and love him more than anything. Anytime that Kyle is away from the bus, kevin sits up here in this seat waiting for his return. Kyle had to go into Spokane today to pick up more materials for the van build. Wait until you see just how big the dog kennel…
Read MoreThe OFFICIAL paint colors have been CHOSEN!
BETHOONIES are the FIRST to see them all together! The base of everything will be painted in the teal. Pink will be all the upper cabinets and storage. White will be walls and the yellow is going to be accents here and there. It definitely looks a little crazy, but it fits us, lol! What…
Read MoreWednesday VIDEO DROP!
Sorry its late, but I will be making it live in about 45 minutes on youtube. Wanted to make sure I posted it here first ❤️
Read MoreIncoming VIDEOGRAM! Riding in the van!
Van Build VideoGram!
Read MorePup Introduction #2- Eloise Camille
This is Eloise, aka Lil’ Wheeise, aka Sprinkles, aka Cheesy Girl. She’s a 4 year old Standard Poodle When we lived in a traditional house, we owned a Pet Styling Spaw and thought we would like to get into dog breeding. We found Eloise from a breeder in Tennessee. Once we got her home though,…
Read MoreHEY YOU GUUUUUYS! -incoming BETHOONIES videogram!
Everyday (sometimes multiple times) we are going to be making videos, keeping them unlisted on our youtube, JUST FOR YOU! They are of us, popping in to say hi, showing behind the scenes in real time of what is going on, and a whole lot more!
Read MoreIt’s a rainy day!
We can’t build the van in the rain today, so Kyle and I decided to have a quick little breakfast date! What are YOU doing today??
We created a PRIVATE Facebook group for everyone! We wanted to make sure we had a place to see all of YOUR life too! What’s going on? what are you doing? We want to get to know YOU, since you know us so well! You can follow this link and answer a couple questions. Then,…
Read MoreVan update!
This is the first place we are posting our behind the scenes van update photos! Today got rained out, but we were able to get the wool insulation in and get more ceiling boards up! We are still waiting on a lot of things to come in so we can get everything put together ?…
Read MoreBehind the Scenes!
We are entering day 4 of the van build and Jed is on the roof CUTTING HOLES in the van for our Max Air fans ? What do YOU have going on today?!
Read MoreWanna see the color scheme for the van?!
Nobody else has seen these colors yet! We wanted to show them to YOU first! We are going with a soothing palette that will make us feel at home. What do you think?! Can we pull these colors off?
Read MoreWorking on the van today!
We are with Jed & Sandy and it’s day 3 of the Van build! Molly is helping with sanding our shelf today ? What do YOU have going on today?!
Read MoreCheck out Sunday’s video before ANYONE else!!
Read MoreCheck out our MODBikes Ebike review FIRST!!
Read MoreThe Sun is OUT!!
THIS IS NOT A DRILL PEOPLE! The vitamin D is flowing friend and we went out exploring at the State Park we are staying at! What a beautiful little trail we happened upon! We have been enjoying Oregon much more than we ever expected we would. The energy here is incredible and we will for…
Read MoreBrazoria Beach Boondocking Spot
28.9517° N, 95.2875° W (Near Surfside Beach in Texas) To say that this spot was incredible is a complete UNDERSTATEMENT! You can park RIGHT ON THE BEACH completely FREE for up to 14 days. We had found out about Brazoria Beach FREE camping spots from browsing Youtube Videos. Of course, it looked incredible in the…
Read MoreMarinated Flank Steak
This recipe was ABSOLUTELY delicious!! This was the FIRST Cookin’ with Kyle we did and boy oh boy was it a HIT!! We for sure don’t turn steak down around here anytime that Kyle cooks it! This steak recipe will sure be a crowd pleaser in you home too! Shopping List: -2lb Flank steak for…
Read MorePup Introduction Post #1- Chico
Chico is the most tenured pooch in the pack! He will be 9 this September and is ALWAYS ready for a snuggle! He is absolutely Molly’s BFF and she keeps a close eye on her baby, she doesn’t let him get too far from her! We adopted Chico when he was 6 months old back…
Read MoreTillamook Air Museum
We were absolutely BLOWN AWAY (pun 100% intended, lol) by the vast-ness of this Air Museum. This building behind us is actually the LARGEST known wooden structure IN THE WORLD!! It was massive inside and full of amazing planes to check out. The Tillamook Air Museum was originally constructed by the Navy around 1942 to…
Read MoreFort Stevens State Park
As of 5-12-22, we are camping at Fort Stevens State park with our best friends, Wanderful Revolution! Despite the face that it rains nearly EVERY day, we are still enjoying it! We picked this particular state park because it is close to Astoria Oregon….The home of The Goonies!!! We can’t wait to bring you with…
Read MoreOur Work View For Today ?
We are in Oregon and our signal for wifi in the bus is weak on all 5 of our routers! We decided to venture into Astoria, OR today at a quaint little coffee shop to get our work done. Kyle and I enjoyed some “alone time”, even if it was spent working, it was at…
Read MoreKielbert’s & Son’s Gator Tours, Roadside Attraction
Recently, we got a little WILD at Kielbert’s Gator Tours in Louisiana! Its a fantastic roadside stop where you can snuggle some snakes, hold an alligator, and feed even more little creatures! Jenn was OBSESSED with the snake, but Kyle refused to let it in the bus, LOL! The kid’s really enjoyed meeting and holding…
Read MoreWhere are we NOW!?
Our Youtube is about 2-3 weeks out, but as a BETHOONIE, you get to see where we are in REAL time! Check out our map below to see where we have been and where Blue Betty is parked this very minute!
Read MoreWelcome to the BETHOONIES!
Red, White, & Bethune is made up of 5 humans, 4 dogs, living in our 1983 Eagle Bus. Jenn, Kyle, Ben, Molly, & Eli, with our dogs: Theodore, Eloise, Chico, and Kevin.
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